January Kickstarter update!
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 10:39:44 PM
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to apologize for the lack of communication over the last few weeks. We got caught up with many production issues on our end that kept my hands tied for quite a while. We have actually filmed a Kickstarter update for everyone, and we're just working on editing it and getting it up for you early this upcoming week!
I'll provide a little recap below, so everyone knows what's happening.
- Our production has experienced a few unexpected issues when scaling up. It will likely lead to us missing our delivery window of February by around 1 month. We know this isn't the news you all want to hear, and we will go over in our video update some of the causes of this. Rest assured, everyone will get every dice-set ordered, we want to ensure the products are hitting the standard we've set for ourselves.
- Our whole box order has arrived from our manufacturer, meaning our packaging is about ready! This is good news...boxes were supposed to arrive end of February, and it seems like we got a bit of luck and received them 30 days earlier than expected.
- Why did we film a video update? We believe you all deserve transparency even if our delay is a slight delay, it's a delay nonetheless. Manufacturing dice on a larger scale was more difficult than we imagined, but we've reduced/removed almost all the production issues we've been facing.
You can expect our video update soon! In the meantime, we wanted to give another huge thanks for all your support. We can't wait for these dice to get in your hands.
December Update!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 03:19:22 PM
Hi folks!
Been a while since our last update, but we have lots of news to share!
Shortly after our last update, about the masters...we finally received a flawless set! We've been ramping up our mold production/duplicates of the masters since, but it's a slow process.
By the end of the next week, we should have 4 D20 molds that can produce 30 D20s each and eight big full-set molds that will make five sets each. So production will start growing pretty exponentially pretty quickly!
We should have some WIP pictures for you all soon(ish)!
Here are a few more updates for the longterm of Odyssey Dice
- We've invested some Kickstarter funds into buying a high-end 3d resin printer. After the last series of delays with our masters, we realized that bringing the ability to produce our masters in-house would be very beneficial to us in the long run.
-We also invested in some upgraded cameras and filming equipment. We've heard time and time again that people would love to see a behind the scenes at our operations, so we're preparing to launch "The Odyssey Vlog" (name in WIP) to show you behind the scenes of us fulfilling this Kickstarter, but also for you to be able to see behind the scenes on all our future projects :)
Production Delays
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 02:08:04 PM
Hey everyone,
When Will & I set out to start this, we told ourselves we'd be transparent with our backers, whether it be good or bad news. Unfortunately, today it's a bit of bad news.
We ordered new dice masters 2+ months ago, well before the Kickstarters close, so we can have fresh masters at a roughly 15% increased dice size to start producing molds with. We are not willing to compromise on the quality of our product.
Unfortunately, we've run into some pretty big quality issues with the masters that we have been receiving. And while our supplier has been great at keeping us in the loop and providing updates, the damage will still be done in terms of our production delays. We will not be naming our supplier as we wish to continue our relationship with them out of professionalism.
We took some pictures to show you guys.
Picture 1&2: You can see defects and marks around 30 on the d%, five on the d12, and seven on the D10. Other faces on these dice also have flaws and scuffs on the numbers. The ten on the D% in the second picture shows the extent of damage some of these faces had when we received our new masters.
Pictures 3&4: Our supplier sent us a 2nd set of masters; however, these also had some significant issues. The second new set of masters we received is on the right-hand side of the below pics. As you can see, when the supplier sent this new set that was supposed to fix things, both the dice and the font on the dice became smaller.
There is SOME good news, however!
Below are the four masters we now have in perfect condition!!
Although we can't begin producing molds for complete sets yet...we have begun making our D20 molds so that we can start fulfilling those add-ons and orders asap! We know this may not be the news you wanted to hear, and we're working as hard as we can with our supplier to get the 2nd half in asap.
We told ourselves when we started Odyssey that it would be a high-end product we deliver. We are not willing to budge on that promise.
Thank you all for reading, and I look forward to keeping you updated!
Last Call for Backerkit Surveys and Production Update
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 05:21:32 PM
Hey everyone!
We are so happy to see all the orders coming in and have loved to see what sets are people's favourites. Much like our instagram polling, Odyssey's End is in the lead! And that is also our way to say, it is our last call on our orders for you to select your designs for dice! Surveys will be locked in 11:59PM EST. You will still be able to change your address just in case there are any issues and in cases of emergency, please just contact us! The preorder store will be open for everyone else until a later date!
We have been working in the back to get everything ready for production. We have some delays for getting our dice masters as our first set did not meet our standards and had some defects but worry not as replacements are on their way! Expect some behind the scenes stuff as we start making sets in the coming weeks!
Thanks to all of those who have filled in their surveys and we hope you handful of stranglers finish up too!
Dan and Will
Backerkit Survey Closing Date and Canadian Thanksgiving
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 11:44:05 PM
Hey everyone!
For all of you in Canada, we hope you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving. Dan and I definitely had a bit too much icecream over the weekend.
As for surveys, we are super stoked to see what everyone is picking for their sets and are having a fun time getting ahead and trying to prep everything. We are about 71% through completion and officially we are closing the surveys 2 weeks from now on October 25th. If you have not received an email, please check what email your Kickstarter was set to and send us a message! We know a lot of people have had technical difficulties but it is nice and quick for us to fix anything so just message if you think there is an issue!
Excited for the rest of these surveys to come in and hope you all had a great long weekend,
Will from the Odyssey Team