
Odyssey Dice Debut Collection

Created by Odyssey Dice

Handcrafted 8 piece sharp edge dicesets. With various inclusions and designs to fit any character or campaign. Your Odyssey starts now.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March 23rd update - Workplace flooded
12 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 09:45:19 AM

Hey everyone,

I hope you're having a great weekend, especially with the long Easter weekend just around the corner! Unfortunately, we've had some setbacks in our production space recently. There was a pipe burst on the main floor of our building, causing some water damage in the basement where we're refinishing dice. Thankfully, the flood wasn't too severe, and I'm relieved to report that none of our dice were harmed. However, we did suffer a loss of several thousand dollars' worth of packaging supplies. Despite this setback, we've conducted an inventory and confirmed that we still have enough supplies to fulfill all of our Kickstarter orders.

Due to the incident, our insurance company has required us to completely empty out the basement so they can begin repairs, including ripping out the flooring. As a result, it's been an all-hands effort over the past week and a half to get everything sorted. We're eager to get back to work as soon as possible and resume production to complete the remaining dice orders. Thanks for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We included some pictures in this update to show you what it looks like now. 

Kickstarter Update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 03:17:23 PM

Hi everyone,

I hope you've all been doing well since the last Kickstarter update. I won't waste any of your time and I'll dive straight into what we have for you.

Regarding recasting, we have finished recasting most of the dice (1/3rd of the dice were recast, as a reminder), except for Fae Realm and a few straggler sets. As for resanding, re-polishing, and re-inking, we have completed all of Odysseys End, which was one of the highest volume-wise, as well as Land & Sea. Additionally, we have addressed some of the less ordered designs such as Blazing Inferno.

Approximately 50% of the dice still require refinishing from the ones that needed fixing in the first place. We are currently reviewing orders versus finished dice to resume shipping in March.

I'd like to apologize for the delay since our last update. I underwent a surgical operation that required some recovery time, and while it's not an excuse to leave backers in the dark for over a month, I just wanted to let everyone know.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and hope you're all looking forward to this spring!


Big Update - January
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 11:25:08 AM

Hi everyone,

Hope the new year has been treating you all well. I have a bit of a larget update for you all today and I hope it answers everyone's questions and everyone's very reasonable concerns and frustrations. 

We've encountered some issues in the last leg of the project that have really caught us off guard and have been very difficult for us to handle. We have been trying to think of the best way to communicate this with all of you, and we are going to stick to the transparency that we have been maintaining throughout the campaign to date.

During the manufacturing process, we initially had a small number of employees come and go until we finally found two dedicated individuals who stayed with us to complete the project. After training them for a couple of months, we took a more hands-off approach to directly managing their dice output and quality.

Now, as we start packaging all your dice sets, we've noticed that we're not entirely satisfied with the quality of some of the dice that have been produced. This was an oversight on our part, and we recognize that we should have been more stringent during the manufacturing process. Their are no excuses for this. 

The issues we're seeing are pretty consistent and very importantly fixable. It does not require us to throw out many of the dice, but does require us to put some extra time into sanding them back up. I've included some pictures below to help you visualize the quality issues we've found. 

The D% is not sharp-edged between the 1 and 3 nor leading to the tip
The Line between the 1 & 19 is not a clean line and has visible damage from the casting process. This was not fixed in the sanding process as it should have been.
The line at the top of the 1 face does not look clean

Additionally, some of the dice were too damaged so we had to throw out a small quantity. Below is the amount of dice we're going to recast and which designs were impacted. Fae was hit the hardest out of any of our designs with almost all of the D20s being beyond saving.

After running some numbers we concluded that, we threw out roughly 10% of the finished dice and are re-touching up roughly 35% of the finished dice.

So, where does this leave us, and what steps are we taking to address the issue? Will and I have had to maintain full-time jobs alongside this project to sustain ourselves, given that we haven't had much left over after covering our initial expenses and setting aside enough for shipping costs. However, upon recognizing this error, Will has taken a leave of absence from his job. He is dedicating himself full-time to personally rectify all the issues with the dice, and I am providing support on a part-time basis. It may be hard to believe, but we are committed to getting these dice out as soon as possible.

We comprehend the frustration that you all are experiencing, and trust us, we feel it too. Our plans for future projects and Kickstarters have all been delayed and pushed out because of this situation. There are only two promises we can still uphold for all of you: every single backer will receive their dice, and we will not compromise on quality. We are committed to keeping these promises.

We will do our best to keep you posted in the coming weeks on the progress we make. Thank you again for your support, and your overwhelming patience with us. 

Years end update
about 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 07:39:44 AM

Hi everyone!

Hope you've all had a fantastic holiday season and are looking forward to the New Year! Please see below Kickstarter updates!

1. We've begun shipping! A very small amount of backers have been emailed about their orders going out. If you haven't been contacted your order has not been sent yet. We are hoping to get a bulk if not all the orders out in January

2. The only dice left in production are Corrupted Garden, Withered Rose, and Fae Realm. All of them are in the process of being inked. 

I know the update is brief but we don't have much else to report on at this time. Please let us know if you have any questions for us!

November Update!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 09:21:58 AM

Hi everyone,

Hope you all have been doing great since the last update! I'll get right into the news for this one. 

We have now wrapped up inking all the below designs

- Land & Sea, Celestial, Odyssey's End, Blazing Inferno, Dragon's Embers, Blood In The Water, Tempest, Last Breath and we're currently wrapping up Bleeding Heart + Moonlit (both expected to be complete this week) 

- That only leaves us with Dawn, Dusk, Withered Rose, Fae Magic, Corrupted Garden, and Jade Emperor to ink.

-We've started packaging all the finished dice, all our envelopes are sealed up with a nice custom wax seal, and some other surprises. 

- Roughly 50% of all the orders are currently completely finished. With that number looking to hit 63% by the end of this week

I hope this update answers any questions you all have! Please let me know if you have any more questions or concerns!
