
Odyssey Dice Debut Collection

Created by Odyssey Dice

Handcrafted 8 piece sharp edge dicesets. With various inclusions and designs to fit any character or campaign. Your Odyssey starts now.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

October 12th Update
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 06:06:02 PM

Hi everyone,

For all you fellow Canadians we hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! But we know what you're really here for is your next dice update. 

We've been chugging away at inking dice and have finished inking around 25% of the total dice so far for the Kickstarter. Sets that are completely done at 

- Land & Sea, Blood In The Water, Tempest, and Last Breath

The sets we have been working on right now are Dragon's Embers, Celestial and Bleeding Heart

Once we have finished the Celestial D20s for inking we're going to look at sending out people's sets who have ordered 1-3 sets. It becomes a bit tricky since with the current finish designs, we actually can't send out very many orders yet due to the combination of dice that were ordered. We are expecting to hit a point where we will suddenly be able to send out a good bulk of orders since we'll have the correct dice needed to fill in the combination of orders.

Doing a bit of napkin math looks like the below

- 50% of dice complete leads to 25% of orders being fufilled 

-75% of dice being complete will lead to around 50-60% of orders

We can't thank you all enough for your patience. We know we fumbled on the landing for delivery but like we've been promising all a long, no matter how many difficulties we have faced we are going to make sure every single backer gets their ordered set of dice. 

Please let me know if you have any questions! Enjoy the pics below!

September 10th - Kickstarter Update
over 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 06:33:21 PM

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well, especially as summer draws to a close. We have been diligently working towards the completion of this project, and we are now very close to the finish line. Please find the following updates:

  • Casting is now 100% complete, with every single set successfully cast. There may be very small quantities that need to be recast, but only if they do not meet the final quality control standards.
  • Sanding has also reached 100% completion for all the cast sets.
  • Currently, all the dice are in the tumbling and inking stages of production. Inking is the most time-consuming manual aspect of our production process. However, despite the slower progress, we are now finishing sets daily. We anticipate beginning to send out orders by the end of September.

We would like to share an important shipping update:

  • Instead of sending out all sets at once, we have decided to start shipping some sets as soon as possible. Shipments will be prioritized based on the order in which backers pledged (first come, first served), unless one of the designs you ordered is not yet completed in the final phases of production.

We will be sending shipping notifications to backers whose sets are shipped this month. We sincerely thank you for your tremendous patience throughout this process. It has been a steep learning curve for us, filled with numerous challenges, and we are thrilled to be approaching the finish line.

Best regards,

The Odyssey Team

August 12th Update: The Really Long Home Stretch (with pictures!)
over 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 08:47:22 PM

Hey everyone! 

Usually Dan writes these but he has his plate a little full right now so its Will filling in and I'll get right into it.

Production Update:

We have still been steadily casting away and after all this time, we are down to the casting of our final design, Withered Rose. We have gotten a request to take a peak at the sets which I will put down at the bottom. All of sets in the videos and pictures are fully sanded as we are moving them along the polishing and inking process. We are looking to get the first of the orders out at the end of this month. 

I know how longer of a wait it ended up being. Being primarily responsible for a smooth production, I kept finding that we would find a good stride, where the process would move along well and we would finish an entire design within a production week. Dan, Jason and I all had a feeling of being in the home stretch for a while. After settling in from the move,  we finally thought the troubles were over but I struggled certain weeks with scaling certain designs into mass production. I'm sorry for all the delays and I hope that when your dice finally are in your hands, that they meet and go beyond your expectations.

General Odyssey Update:

In other news, you may have seen our other project on Kickstarter. A partnership with another local business Genesis and the Olympus Liquid Core Dice Collection.

We worked on the designs in the downtime of the mass production of casting for Odyssey. We are committed to sending out all of our orders here before moving onto the production of the Olympus line up. If you are interested in liquid cores which we designed, there are only 9 days remaining and we hope to take everything we learned in the production of Odyssey to really tighten up the process with Olympus.

It has been nice to write some of my thoughts about production here and I want to thank all of you for your patience. Enjoy some of the quick videos and pictures below to see your cast dice below and reach out if you need any help or questions!


July 11th - Kickstarter Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 04:22:00 AM

Good morning everyone,

I hope you're all doing great and have been enjoying the summer weather! I'll get straight into the update.

Employee/Sanding status

Last update I let you all know that our employee had to leave us due to personal reasons and that we were hiring 2 new employees. Since that last update both of our new employees have been fully trained on the dice sanding process and we have been blitzing through it. 

We're almost out of dice to sand from the sets we have finished. If I had to put a % on it we're about 70% done sanding all the dice for the Kickstarter. 

Casting Update

We recently ran into the issue of about 70% of our moulds hitting the end of their lifespan and producing subpar dice so we refreshed our silicone moulds which took a few days out of the casting process.  We're back up to a good amount of healthy moulds that should keep us afloat for the remainder of the production for Kickstarter. 

We're down to just Fae Realm, Dawn, and Withered Rose each one being a bit tricky in their own ways. Fae Realm should be the next design that is completed within the next day or so

Inking Update

We've been experimenting with inking processes and are really happy to announce we've created an inking method with an output of around 200 dice an hour so the many days of experimentation have finally paid off. We're just now figuring out one last optimization with the polishing step that's proving to be trickier than we first expected. 

Please let me know if you have any more questions or feel free to shoot us a DM. Thank you all again for the patience you've shown us, we are working as hard as we can to finish this project. 


June 8th Kickstarter Update!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 08:04:51 PM

Hey everyone! 

Production Updates

Let's get right into the Kickstarter news I have! Dusk is all done and we've finished around half of Celestial which is around 210 sets cast since the last update! We definitely have had a good pace the last little bit with our casting. 

We've changed how we cast Dusk/Dawn/Withered Rose, we now do a half cast where we'll cast half the die and let it cure then cast the 2nd half the next day to prevent air bubbles. This does mean it takes twice the amount of time to finish a set however we've been trying to produce more dice per run to make up for it. 

Celestial and Dusk are the most ordered designs from the handful we have left (nearly 200 for Celestial and 130 for Dusk) so we're hoping the rest go nice and quick. 

We also unfortunately had our new employee exit the company due to some life circumstances so we've hired not one but two new employees that will begin training this Tuesday to help speed up the sanding process. It will take us around a week to train them and we will have a bit of downtime sanding-wise in the meantime, but unfortunately, we don't have any way to speed up this process. 

Upcoming Partnership

In the upcoming weeks, you will see a new partnership launch between us and another Canadian company related to dice! We wanted to be clear and let you all know beforehand that the project's manufacturing will not begin until we are 100% complete this Kickstarter's production. Nothing has been made public about this project yet but we wanted to give you all the heads up and be transparent before anything is launched. 

We really hope you guys love the upcoming partnership and you can expect a few more projects (some of which are not dice ;) ) from us this year. 

Once again thank you all for your patience with us thus far. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns either in the comments below or feel free to shoot us a DM!

Dan, Will, and Jason